Sunday, March 16 2025

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Play Original Nintendo Games In Your Mobile-Dream Come True!!

wp-1484118171641.pngIf you can still play Super Mario Bros, Contra, Donkey Kong, Olympics and much more just the way you did back in the good old 80's and 90's, then that's limitless. These were the games that created the first generation of "gamers". Now you can all play these games exactly the same way you did, right in your mobile phone. A simple app will emulate your old Nintendo console in your mobile phone and then you are all set to travel back in time.

Install NES Emulator App

There are several apps that can emulate the Nintendo console in your phone, but the one app that does this best is the Nostalgia.NES Download the app here ). This app will smoothly emulate the Nintendo console in your phone and also provide you with lot of customizability features that you will love.
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Nostalgia.NES also comes with tons of options and settings such as fast forwarding, rewinding, on screen button settings, Wi-Fi control and much more.
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This app does not come with any pre-loaded games and you have to download the games you want from another site that provides the required game ROM that can be emulated. You can download almost any game you want from a site called Emuparadise Download games from here ). Once you have downloaded, go to the app setting and select "Search device for ROM" option and the next instant all your games will be ready on the home screen.


  1. Feeling Nostalgic: Playing all the games that you played as a kid brings a lot of nostalgic memories and also makes you feel like a kid again, especially when you get a 1 up mushroom in Mario.
  2. Very Less Memory Consumption: The emulator app along with 50 of your favorite games will not take more than 8 to 10 MB in your phone.
  3. Low Power Consumption: I personally played for over an hour and just 2% of my battery was drained.
  4. Zero Device Heating: You can try as hard as you can, but even if you play for hours together, your device will not get heated up.
  5. SAVE AND LOAD!!! : You no longer have to worry about loosing all your lives and starting again from the begining. This app will let you Save and Load game states, something we could not do in our Nintendo consoles. You will be given 8 saving slots for each game you install.
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Are you kidding me??? There are no F'ing cons. Just download and enjoy!!!

Some of the games I play

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